Monday, February 13, 2012

Kit Visits Coruña on Super Bowl Weekend

A blog post that I drafted, however neglected to publish... enjoy!!
If you assume that my weekend was stellar based off the title of the blog post, you’re right.  It was an awesome weekend here in Coruña, and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.  For those of you who don’t know, Kit is a fellow Crusader (studying in Florence this year) and a very good friend of my fellow Coruñesas Claire, Maggie and Eva.  Although she only had two days in Coruña, we wanted to make the most of them, so naturally we made sure to check off our favorite Coruña activities: walking around the city/port/beach, tapa hopping (eating all day, everyday per the usual), and visiting/taking pictures at our favorite mosaic octopus (who we like to think of as Coruña’s mascot).  To elaborate on the tapas, tapa hopping is what I like to call going from bar-to-bar and eating a different tapa at each.  My friends and I have pretty much mapped out our favorite tapa bar’s and our best tapa at each place, so that way we are always changing scenery, and always eating the most delicious tapas... it’s a win/win in my book.  It was really really great to see Kit, and I’m so happy that she loved Coruña; she’s actually blogging about her own experience in Florence, and just wrote an entry on Coruña, so you should definitely check it out!
Two days went by too quickly, and it was really sad to see Kit go, however last night’s awesome Super Bowl Fiesta certainly lived up to its expectations.  Ever since the beginning of my study abroad experience, I was really bummed to know that I’d be missing out on some of my favorite American holidays/traditions; the Super Bowl was definitely high on my list.  Pablo, our housing director in Coruña, saved the day by inviting us over to his apartment to watch the game since he has American television channels.  He also prepared us some delicious bacon cheeseburgers and left out some chips and dips... it almost felt like we were back home in the States.  Although it was a lot of fun and we had some good laughs, unfortunately the Pats lost; third time’s the charm!!!

The pulpo!!!

One of my favorite corners in Coruña... my study abroad site ain't that bad ;)

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